Hemp Wood Turning Blank Blocks - boardandlog

Hemp Wood Turning Blank Blocks


Hemp wood is an engineered wood product that produces beautiful pressed wood blanks that are strong and durable. It is an excellent material for your wood turning projects.

Each piece is full of unique swirls and waves of pressed hemp to spark your creativity and add style to your space. Craft your own bead, pen, peppermill, bowl, coaster and so much more. Possible uses are endless.

Explore your woodturning skills with these blank blocks. Comes in 3 sizes.


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Hemp wood is an engineered wood product that produces beautiful pressed wood blanks that are strong and durable. It is an excellent material for your wood turning projects.

Each piece is full of unique swirls and waves of pressed hemp to spark your creativity and add style to your space. Craft your own bead, pen, peppermill, bowl, coaster and so much more. Possible uses are endless.

Explore your woodturning skills with these blank blocks. Comes in 3 sizes.